Memories are timeless treasures of the heart.

Sunday, April 15, 2012


Part I                    

                Everyone needs a “last hoorah…” or in this case, to at least plan one.  Since I was being induced on Friday, September 23rd, Matt and I decided to go out to eat one last time, baby free. I was really looking forward to a nice tasty dinner (especially since I knew I would be eating that wonderful tasteless hospital food) at Fratelli’s. But little did I know that our “going out to dinner one last time baby free” had already happened.

40 weeks and 3 days.
2 days before Miss Madalyn actually arrived.
(If only I felt like I looked like this.)
: )
                Wednesday, September 21st, was just like every other night. Matt pushed me up the stairs, I got ready for bed, and tried my best to get as comfortable.  Around  12am, I woke up and had to use the bathroom. At this point in my pregnancy, getting up at least 4 times throughout the night was nothing new. Ok, so I manage to get up, go to the bathroom, come back, get semi comfortable, and just drift off to sleep. Then out of nowhere, I start getting a slight cramp. Thinking that it was just like the cramps that I had been having, I didn’t feel the need to wake Matt up. The first cramp didn’t last long so I eventually drifted off to sleep…for maybe 15 minutes before another one came. Only this time it was a little stronger… then a little more… and a little more. Getting a little nervous, I grabbed my cell phone and started watching the clock a little bit closer.  7 minutes passed…then 8…then 7…then 6. Each time, the cramps were getting a little stronger. I sat up on the edge of the bed thinking, “Ok, is this the real thing? Should I wake up Matt?”
                Matt is known to talk and do hilarious things in his sleep…but he’s not the only one that talks. I have had my fair share of “words” with him. I seriously wonder if we have conversations...while we are asleep. Anyhow, we had always joked that when I went into labor I would tell him and he would mumble something, roll over, and go back to sleep. So I wasn’t quite sure if I should even bother waking him up. But I did. And I got the reaction that I thought I would.  Matt: “You ok?” Me: “Yeah, I think so, they just really hurt.” Matt: “Did your water break?” Me: “No.” Matt: “Ok, well let me know if you need anything.” He rolled over and went back to sleep. Nice. Called that one.

                With this being my first pregnancy I honestly didn’t know when to call the Doctor or when to go to the ER. We had asked my OB doctor at one of our previous appointments and she said, “When your water breaks.” Ok, easy enough…or so I thought. I got out of bed around 1:00am and started pacing back and forth from our bedroom to Mady’s bedroom. They weren’t letting up. I paced and I paced. I’d sit down in the glider and play “Words with Friends,” check my email, play other miscellaneous games, anything to take my mind off of the pain and the contractions that I was having. Around 4:00am, my contractions were around 2-4 minutes apart and the pain was starting to be unbearable.
                Unfortunately, we had missed the birthing classes the hospital offered. We decided to wing it. I really had no idea what to do to ease the pain. Finally, at 4:30, enough was enough. I woke Matt and up and told him that I hadn’t slept since 12, my contractions were 2-4 minutes apart, and I hurt!! He asks if my water breaks and says that the Doctor said to come in if it breaks. So I call labor and delivery and talk to one of the nurses. “Umm, you may want to mosey on in here,” was the reaction that I got. The nurse said that she would be looking for us. Matt hops in the shower quick, I finish packing his stuff while he gets ready, then I throw on a t-shirt, pants, and sandals, and out the door we go. (Thank goodness we only live 2 minutes from the hospital!)

                Walking through the ER doors, they immediately know why we are there.  I am placed in a wheelchair and off we go. Once in our room, the nurse has me change so they can hook me up, check me out, and see what’s going on…contraction wise. They hook me up, and right away the nurse says, “Wow, you really are having some contractions.” No kidding, honey.  They checked me to see how much I had dilated and I was only 3cm. Great. This is going to last forever!

                At this point, my sense of humor was GONE. I had never felt so terrible. Matt, on the other hand, decided that that moment would be the perfect time to practice his comedian skills. Needless to say, he was NOT funny. All I wanted him to do was shut his face and fill out those stupid papers that “Ms. Empathetic Nurse” (or lack thereof) kept coming in and asking for every 2 seconds. I mean seriously, could she not see that I was in terrible pain and the last thing on my mind was getting those forms filled out? I seriously couldn’t think straight. I was in so much pain. All I wanted to do was lie down…which didn’t help…or stand up…which didn’t help either. Nothing I did eased the pain.

               If I offend any nurses, I’m sorry…and you can correct me if I’m wrong, but don’t you think being a little empathetic, (especially working with people who are in terrible pain and going through something new) should be, well, umm, kind of important? Well this particular nurse apparently left hers at home (if she had any) that morning. At one point, I told her that I was really starting to get a pounding headache.” She looks at me and says, “Gee! I wonder why.” What I wanted to say, but didn’t was, “Thank you. When did you say your shift ended?” Later, I started to get super nauseous. I mention it to the nurse and she gives me this “really?” look, then leisurely walks around my bed to get that pretty pink tray. Too bad I didn’t throw up then because I may have “accidentally” saved it for her pretty little scrubs.

                After being at the hospital for around 2 hours, the hot Doctor walks in to check my progress. : ) He tells me that the baby probably won’t be here for another 10 hours or so and that I had 2 options.
I could stay there, get an epidural, and rest, OR go home and rest. Did he even need to ask? Of course I wanted to stay to get an epidural.  Several moments later, (but it felt like years later) they come in to give me an epidural. The pain that I previously felt wasn’t anything compared to the pain I had during this procedure. I was hunched over, firmly held down, and having the worst possible contractions, while they tried to get my epidural started. I had never been so uncomfortable and in so much pain. I seriously don’t recall feeling the needle go in at all. The only thing I remember is having what felt like blood running down my lower back and thinking, exactly how big and round WAS that needle!? (Here it was just the epidural working its way to where it needed to go.)  Matt’s poor hand was probably a nice shade of purple until they were done. Sorry, Matt.
                Once that epidural started working, it was a COMPLETELY different story. I had never felt so relieved! (Big ups to those women who make it the whole way through labor without any drugs.) Now that I was ready for Matt’s comedy acts, he was ready to go to work. I was surprised that he even asked me if it would be ok if he went to work since it would be a while before Mady arrived.  My answer: “Umm, no.” I did, however, give him permission to leave for a little to go grab a bite to eat since I wasn’t allowed anything but ice chips and popsicles.  : )

                Back to “Ms. Empathetic Nurse.” If Matt wouldn't have asked, she more than likely wouldn't have told us that she broke my water while she was checking me.  Being that it was my first time ever having my water broken, I kind of wanted to know. Apparently it wasn't a big deal to her and that it was "just another water that broke." 3:00pm FINALLY rolled around which meant shift change. Thank goodness she was leaving and wasn't scheduled to work a double. But, before she left, she had to get her final words in, “I hope you got your rest, because you are going to be pushing for at LEAST 3 hours.”  Thank you, you most encouraging, empathetic nurse that I have ever met.  

                Being a light sleeper stinks. Over the next several hours I was supposed to “get my rest.” Even as tired as I was, that was still next to impossible. I had tried to rest. No sooner would I shut my eyes, a nurse would come in to adjust my belly bands, check my IV bag, see if I needed anything… or something that prevented me from resting. Around 4:00pm they checked me again. 10 cm. “You’re ready to start pushing.” Wait, what, are you serious? I didn’t get to “rest” yet!

Coming soon: “…and Delivery.”


Friday, April 6, 2012

Are We There Yet? (The 3rd and FINAL Trimester)

                Entering the 3rd trimester brought a mix of emotions…like having hormonal emotions weren’t enough.  At the beginning of July, Matt and I had said a bitter sweet farewell to our current jobs. I couldn’t have asked for a better job to work at while I was pregnant…I was more than WELL taken care of by everyone! For example, like the day I had a personal RN, Becky…who didn’t even charge me. ; ) That previous weekend, I had decided to go to my nephew’s soccer game without sunscreen. (You would think that I would’ve learned my lesson about lathering up on the SPF 500 when I landed myself in the ER in Pittsburgh one summer.) Needless to say, I ended up with a nice sunburn on my legs…which resulted in some swelling.  Luckily, Becky was there to “monitor” me throughout the day; checking my blood pressure, checking my legs for fluid, and making sure I had enough to drink.

                On the days I didn’t feel too great, or I had little energy, I spent most of my time in the center taking it easy. Sometimes my feet may have been propped up in a recliner chatting with the participants, or we were sitting around the table playing dominos. No matter what kind of day I was having (whether it was a good day, a tired day, or sometimes even a teary day) it was nice to know that people were there, regardless what my emotional state was. I hope they all know exactly how much I appreciated their friendships…especially Gina, who I complained to, cried to, and who answered my embarrassing questions. Not once did she judge me or think I was completely nuts! I know she would have told me to my face if I was a little nuts…that’s the type of friend she was and I loved that about her!

                Before we left Huntington, we were “showered with love” not only once, but three times. The participants at the Adult Day Center (along with my coworkers and boss) had a nice little baby shower full of games, cake, ice-cream, and of course, presents.  We played the “guess how big the belly is” by cutting off a strand of yarn that (they thought) would fit around my stomach. Some were nice enough to cut off a small piece, while others, not so much. : ) But it was all in fun and it added some laughs to the party.  The next shower was thrown by Matt’s coworkers.  Matt didn’t know about this one. : ) It was a fun time and we received a lot of nice things for Madalyn which included our favorite gift ever, a penguin lawn chair. (We wanted to do her room in penguins but couldn’t find much of anything…so we decided to just fill her room with miscellaneous penguin items.) The final shower was on my last day at SarahCare. My boss, Kelly, along with my coworkers and their spouses, and daughters, had a nice dinner together at The Olive Garden. It was an enjoyable evening and once again, Mady received some more great presents!

                On the 5th of July, we packed up our townhouse and loaded the moving truck, with the help of our parents. (Well, I pretty much just sat around and gave orders while everyone else packed. : ) Not really…I did try to help as much as possible but it was rather difficult with a huge belly in the way.) The next day, with the help of our parents, my sister and nephew, we (I mean everyone but me) moved all of our belongings into our new townhouse.  

                August came along and to avoid going into labor I spent some quality time on the couch. Here’s why. Matt’s previous employer allowed us to remain covered under their insurance for the month of July. It was considered “out of network” but it still was better than nothing.  So in August we were flying solo…or we had the option of COBRA, which was a complete joke. It would have been a little over $2,000.00 JUST for the month of August. The Case Manager at my OB/GYN was aware of our situation and tried to help us as much as possible. But of course, we were over qualified for any programs or assistance. We had decided that since COBRA allowed up to 45 days from the day you are no longer covered, to apply for that ridiculous COBRA, if I went into labor that’s what we’d do. Thankfully, we didn’t have to go that route.

                FINALLY!! September was here. At my 37 week appointment I was about 1.5 cm dilated. I had my fingers crossed going to my 38 week appointment because I was SO ready for her to be OUT! Considering we had 2 flights of stairs in our house, it was either walk half way up (sit down for an hour and take a break then finish the other half) or have Matt push me up. Laugh all you want, but at the time it was not funny and I am so glad no one saw us. I seriously had to have Matt help me get out of bed in the morning before he went to work. “Miserable” didn’t even touch how I was feeling. Ok, so back to 38 week appointment. I was at a maybe 2cm. Really? All that cramping and I was only a half cm more?? 39 week appointment – still at 2cm. At this point I was bound and determined that she was NEVER going to work her way out. At my 40 week appointment, I was still at 2cm. The doctor discussed our options and decided that she wasn’t going to let me go over 41 weeks. We decided to be induced on Friday, September 23.

                Going home from our appointment that day, it had finally hit me. Mady would be in our arms in THREE DAYS whether we liked it or not. That in and of itself, spooked me out a little. I had never been so excited and nervous all at the same time. For our one last baby free “date,” we decided to go out for dinner that Thursday. Apparently, Mady had other plans…

Up next: Labor and Delivery (the Edited version of course) : )


Sunday, April 1, 2012

Cravings, It's a Girl!, We Need a House, OH MY! (2nd Trimester)

Part II  - Snippets of the second trimester

·   What a relief it FINALLY was to be able to wake up and not immediately need to pop a ginger cut in my mouth or grab my stash of Fruit Loops beside my bed!  (Although, I’m sure Matt missed the sound of me crunching away on Fruit Loops as he drifted off to sleep many, many, many nights.) I felt like a completely new person! My energy was back, naps weren’t AS important, and my appetite was in full swing! Once that 24 hour nausea let up, the cravings started to kick in. Luckily, I didn’t have any off the wall “pickle and ice cream” cravings. At first they were healthy cravings like salads, pineapples, strawberries, grapes. Then, there came the beloved ice-cream cravings…and it was not pretty. I devoured A LOT of ice cream. And by a lot, I mean sometimes I’d have at least 3 giant bowls a a Reese Sonic Blast after work. Looking back, the amount of ice cream that I ate was absolutely ridiculous!

   It really didn’t help that I worked in an adult day center where lots and lots of sweets were kept. Plus, my boss’s boyfriend made sure that Giblet was well fed with cinnamon rolls, cookies, doughnuts, brownie sundaes, bon bon’s and cakes from the bakery out-front...and I can’t forget those AMAZING milkshakes Gina made! I didn’t miss the participants snack time…and I was always in the kitchen looking for leftovers. So, when I take this opportunity to brag about how I can fit into most of my pre-pregnancy clothes and that I am almost back to my pre-pregnancy weight, please, don’t judge me! I have more than earned these bragging rights. Now, just to get back to my “pre SarahCare Weight.” : )

·   April 14th, 2011 was a very big day! The day we looked at Giblet’s “business.” Matt and I were SO excited to find out what Giblet was. We were driving to Chicago the very next day for our Annual Baseball Stadium trip and we knew for sure that it was either A.) going to be a happy trip (if it was a girl) or B.) going to be an extremely long trip searching for a boy’s name. We really wouldn’t have minded if it was a boy. Matt and I joked around that, “we just wouldn’t love him as much as if it were a girl.” Haha! In all seriousness though, we just wanted Giblet to be healthy and only have 10 fingers and 10 toes. (Matt actually counted them during the anatomy ultrasound.)  Needless to say, it turned out to be an enjoyable trip!

·   Every night after work (well not every night – but close enough) Matt and I would venture over to Macy’s and scan the baby section. Of course they always had the cutest little outfits so we never left the store empty handed. (Another reason we wanted a girl…cuter clothes.) You know you’ve been to a particular department one too many times when the sales associate recognizes you. Oops. : )

·   Growing up, Grandparents were always an important aspect in my life. I have so many fond memories of doing special things with both sets of grandparents. It was important to Matt and I for Mady to have a similar relationship with her grandparents. Living 4.5 hours away would have made that a little difficult. But in June, plans changed. A position became available at the new Hospital in Cumberland, Md, and before we knew it, Matt was offered the job. Then, the fun began. Well, not quite. While Matt traveled back to Huntington one weekend, I stayed with my parents in Grantsville to began the house and apartment and eventually the “just give me anything to live in” search. Knowing that things would eventually work out in the end, it was still very stressful and irritating trying to find a place. I made call after call, searched the Internet and newspaper, and looked at several places…all of which sounded much better on paper. We seriously had less than a month to find a place to live. I was thankful when my dad took off work to drive me all over the place (and stop at 500 gas stations so I could pee) to see if there was anything, anywhere.
         To make an extremely long story short, we really had no intentions of buying a house. The more and more I searched, the more that started to be our only option. (Yes, I may have been a little picky about where we lived and what we lived in.) I found a townhouse that looked perfect. I contacted the realtor and toured the house. I loved it! The following weekend Matt and I traveled back to Cumberland to look at it. After some debating and “putting our heads together,” we decided to put in an offer. Thankfully, the realtor understood our situation and our need to move in as quickly as possible, so she went to bat for us with the sellers. Our first offer was rejected. We went back for round two. The sellers accepted our offer AND understood our need to move in before we closed…which they were extremely nice enough to allow us to. Finally, the house hunt was over…

…and so was the 2nd trimester. : )
